We develop our courses using the sustainable development framework and principles. We also place special emphasis to the study of cases from around the world. Lectures combined with constant discussion of real-world experiences and hands-on activities are used to develop critical thinking in class participants.

Our team currently teaches:

  • PRT 319 – Sustainable Tourism (Spring)
  • PRT 700 – Concepts and Theories of Leisure & Recreation (Fall)

Sustainable Tourism – PRT 319 (formerly PRT 419)

This course introduces the concepts and principles associated with sustainable tourism development, emphasizing on their implications for management and planning purposes. Topics to be addressed include: concept, justification, and evolution of sustainable development; socio-cultural, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable tourism; positive and negative impacts of tourism development; and principles conducive to sustainable tourism planning and community development. Given that each case of tourism development is unique, examples from the U.S. and around the world are used to examine and discuss issues and practices of sustainable tourism development within different geo-cultural contexts.

Concepts and Theories of Leisure & Recreation – PRT 700

This course is designed to learn about the foundations of recreation, tourism, sport, and leisure research by discussing their underlying concepts and theories. This course encourages critical thinking, academic inquiry, and dialectic debate through guided discussions of assigned readings. A primary focus of this course is to learn to communicate our ideas well. Thus, the course is built upon class participation through written and oral assignments.

Other Courses Taught in the Past

  • PRT 500 – Conceptual Foundations of Leisure (Fall 2014-2023)
  • PRT 220 – Introduction to Commercial Recreation and Tourism Management (Spring 2013-2016)
  • PRT 801 – PRT Doctoral Seminar (Fall 2013, Spring 2014)